Tuesday, March 3, 2009

blog 10: the holidays

For this week’s blog I read an article about the holidays and how the economy affected them this year. As everyone clearly knows, the United States is in some trouble financially and the economy is very bad right now. The holiday season starts up right around Thanksgiving and ends with new years. From the food to the presents there is obviously a lot of money to spend to celebrate the traditional holidays. The lack of the economy this year changed it for everyone. Some people had no money to spend on the gift exchanges and homemade comfort food. It was sad to see so many people not able to have a good time just because of a financial crisis. I know in my household my family didn’t spend as much money on gifts this year as we have in the past. This saving of the money affects the businesses as well! In the article they talk about all the cut backs people had to make this year such as things like donations to a church! I think this is really bad news for us and hopefully things will get better. All I know is that we dug ourselves deep into this hole and we will have to get back out of it someway. 

Hoffman, Jan. “No Job and Fewer Gifts.” New York Times. 28 November 2008. 3 March 2009. < http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/30/fashion/30laidoff.html?scp=10&sq=the%20holidays%20&st=cse>

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